Reiki Attunements
What is a Reiki attunement?
Once you have been attuned to Reiki, the Reiki energy will
flow through you for the rest of your life.
What is the purpose of a Reiki attunement?
A Reiki attunement is similar to having a Reiki healing treatment, but it has a different purpose - to raise your energy healing to a higher level and enhance your channelling pathways. Receiving a reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience, as your energetic pathways are opened. This energetic opening allows the reiki energy to flow freely through your body to impact your health and the health of others.
What does an attunement feel like?
Some students do not feel anything at the time of the attunement, other students experience a shift in their awareness, feeling as if all their senses have become more sensitive, see colours, feel a lightening of their body as pathways are opened. After the attunement, over the next few days and weeks, as the students practice, the energy pathways become clearer, there is an increased intuitive awareness and a cleansing of negative energy.
What is involved for each attunement?
You will be seated comfortably on a chair where the Reiki Master can walk around you easily. The Reiki Master will follow an attunement process passsed down to them by their Reiki Master. This may involve signing symbols over different parts of your body and saying their mantras either silently or out loud. They may place their hands on your head shoulders, hands, feet. In some Reiki systems they may make breathing and other noises out loud. Some practitioners like to use feathers to move energy around you.
Usui Reiki and Reiki Sekhem
Level 1 you receive the attunement to raise your energy for self healing and healing of others.
Level 2 you receive 3 symbols during the attunement which are available to enhance your Reiki energy.
Level 3 / Master teacher you receive an additional 3 symbols during the attunement including the master symbol which, allows you to perform attunements.
How to give a Reiki attunement
A Reiki Master is able to give Reiki attunements for the Reiki system you are learning and this is taught to you at Master level. It is not something that you can give yourself.
Do I need an attunement for Reiki?
Yes, you need to be attuned to Reiki by a Reiki Master to become a Reiki practitioner. Reiki practitioners use universal energy which is everywhere and available to everyone at all times: Anyone can access universal energy and do energy work. However, Reiki is a particular system that uses universal energy and the attunement is part of the Reiki system.
There are attunement processes for all of the Reiki systems and these differ between each system. So I teach Usui Reiki, Reiki Sekhem and Violet Flame Reiki and I use a different attunement process for each.
Preparing for an attunement
How you prepare for a reiki attunement depends on your own personal spiritual practice. Opening an energetic pathway is no light matter, and while it's not strictly necessary to do anything in order to prepare to receive a Reiki attunement, most students choose to reconnect with their own spiritual practice before their attunement, to heighten the overall effects of the attunement and maximise its transformative power.
Recommendations for preparing would be for a couple of days before your attunemneating and drinking healthily, spend time in a calm, natural environment, reading a positive easy read book, meditate, reduce your time watching TV, reading the news as many topics can release negative emotions.
All of these preparations will help you to be in the best place emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, to accept the spiritual transformation and maximise the short and long-term profound impacts on your life and wellbeing.
Does an Attunement Need to be Renewed?
Once you have been attuned to reiki, the reiki energy will flow through you for the rest of your life. Your ability to channel and move reiki energy remains with you, as the gift of reiki follows you and helps you for the rest of your life.
Reiki is not learned the way that we are used to learning other skills. The Reiki Teacher actually transmits the ability to use Reiki to the student during an attunement, or an initiation. The Reiki attunement is a procedure or ritual that the Reiki Teacher performs that permanently connects the student to the Reiki source, allowing the student to access an inexhaustible supply of healing energy, and to share Reiki with themselves and others.
This means that anybody, from children to senior citizen, including those who are differently-abled, can learn how to channel, or flow, Reiki. There’s no special skill involved in sharing Reiki. From day one, the Reiki begins to flow and only gets stronger the more the practitioner uses it. It’s a skill that can’t be lost, even after long stretches of not practicing. All that is necessary to activate the flow of Reiki is to place your hands on yourself or another living being with the intention of flowing the Reiki. And just like riding a bike, you’re back in business!
While no special skill may be involved in simply channeling Reiki, practicing Reiki professionally, and even proficiently with friends and family, does indeed require training and skills. And being a good Reiki Teacher requires even greater levels of proficiency. That’s where quality training comes in. So while the attunement is amazing and allows the student to begin to experience and share Reiki immediately, it is just the beginning – the very beginning – of the Reiki journey.
To be clear a Reiki attunement – whether in-person or via a distance – does not make a Reiki practitioner. Only someone who’s been attuned and properly trained in the practice of Reiki is qualified to be a Reiki practitioner or Teacher. There’s just no substitute!
The Reiki attunement process is often shrouded in great mystique. And I suppose that stems from the fact that it’s a deeply sacred initiation process. The mindset involved in sharing the gift of a Reiki attunement with another, in being responsible in that moment for activating your students’ sacred birthright to channel healing energy, like many believe we once all had the ability to do, is both awe-inspiring and humbling. By keeping much of the process secret, I think it helped to hold the sacred energy around it – at least for a time.
But then in 1995, Reiki Master Diane Stein published her tell-all Reiki book, Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art. It was the first book to include copies of the Reiki symbols, as well as details about the attunement process. The Reiki world was shaken. But even though the lid may have come off the pot on many of Reiki’s sacred tools and rituals with the publication, Reiki remains a largely relationship-centered practice, where Teachers reveal the symbols and rituals to their students. Because without Teachers, there will be no attunements or practitioners. And without an attunement, the symbols and rituals of Reiki are largely useless.
So I won’t go into details about how to perform a Reiki attunement here. That is something I reserve for my students, as do many teachers. There’s really nothing secret or mysterious about it. But it is indeed quite sacred and such a special thing to learn from your own Reiki Teacher.
Who benefits from Reiki & Sekhem, Energy Healing
Reiki & Sekhem and other forms of energy healing can be used safely and effectively with all orthodox and other complementary therapies to reduce any negative feelings, create optimism, reduce healing time, reduce or eliminate pain and reduce tension and stress.
Reiki & Sekhem will support you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically when you are having medical procedures; recovery from surgery or chronic / acute illness and will
help and support carers at this time as well.
As Reiki & Sekhem is so gentle and does not require touch to work, it is suitable for people or animals of all ages and all states of health. It can safely be used straight after surgery; when someone is at the end of their life; to give a new born baby love and healing in its first hours after birth or just for relaxation and balancing; at any time.

Benefits of receiving Reiki & Sekhem Energy Healing
Reiki & Sekhem will support you mentally, emotionally and physically whether
you are already well and healthy or if you need some support during illness
or a stressful or traumatic part of your life such as the menopause.
Deeply relaxing
Balances your energy system
Reduces stress, tension and anxiety
Supports your whole body after any trauma
Reduces pain
Balances you physically and emotionally
Supports your immune system
Re-energises your body and mind
Helps you to deal with difficult situations
Enhances your intuition and awareness
Safe to use on anyone at any time
Use safely with other complementary and orthodox treatments
Supports your body’s normal functions for self healing
Clears your energy paths and raises your vibrational frequency
Reiki 1 training
Wow, what a day! Thank you so much for all the thought you put into the content of the day and how you delivered it. For me, it was pretty amazing to experience the energy flowing through the room and I came home, feeling well, content, energised and very much at peace with the world.
Thanks again Dawn. Warm regards G.T.
Learn to heal yourself
If you enjoy having a Reiki treatment, then have you thought of learning Reiki or Reiki Sekhem so that you can give yourself, your family and pets healing everyday.
If you or someone you know has a serious or chronic illness then it is beneficial for them to receive healing everyday or as often as they need.
You can easily learn to give yourself or someone else Reiki or Reiki Sekhem without anyone else knowing. So if you are shopping, at work, in a restaurant, on a bus, at the gym, you can give yourself some healing to get through some pain or anxiety without attracting attention to yourself.
You can learn to cleanse and energise your home, car and workspace to attract positive and energising energy to benefit you and others that share those spaces.
If you are interested and would like some more information, please just contact me
and ask any questions you may have.